Water Softner

The Industrial Softeners is a manually operated ion exchange unit designed specially for industrial use. It is simple to operate, inexpensive to maintain and is widely used in the industry. The softener comprises Steel /FRP pressure vessels containing a bed of cation exchange resin, a regenerating system and control valves.

A strongly acidic cation exchange resin in sodium form is used to exchange sodium ions for the hardness –forming calcium and magnesium ions, and thus produce soft water. At the end of each service cycle, the ion exchange resin is regenerated with sodium chloride solution, after which the units is ready for the next service cycle.For larger plants, a brine measuring tank is provided, and a separate salt saturator, preferably in concrete, is recommended for bulk storage of salt and preparation of brine.Standard equipments is available to soften water, upto a maximum flow rate of 275m3/h.

Features :
• The series of softeners are attractive, compact, easy to operate & maintain, & use international quality materials of construction, introduced for the first time in India.
• Softeners are available in MS, MSRL, FRP, operating in Manual / Auto mode.

Advantages :
• Easy to install and operate.
• Produces clear ,soft and non – scale forming water.
• Low operating costs.
• Incorporates high-capacity polystyrene bead type cation exchange resin which is remarkably stable and has a long life.

Applications :
• Boiler feed.
• Textile processing.
• Beverage production.
• Cooling water make-up.
• Hospitals, hotels, laundries & air-conditioning plants.

Specifications :
• One Mild Steel/FRP pressure vessels provided with an inlet distribution, an outlet collecting system and a brine distributor. Mild Steel vessels is painted externally with a protective coat of red oxide and internally with anti-corrosive bituminous paint
• One set of control valves, with all piping to inlet and outlet terminals.
• One combined salt tank/brine measuring tank, provided with brine suction piping with adjustable indicating clamps, hydraulic ejector and control valves.
• One orifice board for indicating wash and rinse flow rates (to be fitted in the drains sump.)
• One charge of softener cat ion exchange resin with supporting under bed.
• One hardness test kit for testing the softened water.